60 Forever Love Poems for Her

60 Forever Love Poems for Her: Love is like a drug that never stops taking its toll. Love can be the most beautiful thing you will experience at some point in your life. It’s also very dangerous due to the fact that it can hurt a lot and no one realizes that until they are in love for real. When you truly love someone, there are no stop signs or red lights. You think about him all the time and even if he doesn’t think about you, you still want him in your life. Only when true love happens do people realize how fragile it really is and how to value it. Forever Love Poems are meant to be shared with someone special and a person who may need a push to give their relationship another try to make it work out successfully.


60 Forever Love Poems for Her


1. With your everlasting love, you have made me the luckiest man alive. Now and forever, I will cherish the moments that we cherish together. For in those moments, there is a love that has no beginning and no end. I love you until death does us part.


2. I love you so much. I hope you know that I am truly and sincerely in love with you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me! You are my soul mate, my knight, my hero, and most importantly…the air I breathe. I couldn’t live without you by my side! Without a doubt, I am forever in love with you.


3. Thank you for being my wifey. The first time I saw you, I could tell by the look in your eyes that there was a spark between us. Now that every day together has passed, my love for you only grows stronger. I will always be here for you and will hold you through thick and thin. All of my Love goes to you.


4. Hey beautiful girl, I’m so happy as a guy who has you. You’re the best girl in the world. Every day we spend together is fun and exciting. I’m fortunate to have you, and you will always be in my heart!


5. We were young and in love, so love. I still remember our first kiss like it was yesterday. Like it was my very last. What I wouldn’t give to be back in that moment again to kiss you again and again just for the pure joy of feeling your lips against mine. I dream about you every night, your kisses on my neck, under my ear; it drives me crazy thinking about it. There will never be anyone else for me but you.


6. To the girl I love. I want to tell you that I love you so much. You make my life complete. I want to say that your my world, and you’re my baby.


7. There is nobody in this world that makes me feel the way you do. I love being your boyfriend, your lover, your friend, and most of all, your husband. I can’t wait to grow old with you and keep on loving you every day.


8. I love you so much. I can’t stop thinking about you. I hope that one day I can genuinely make you happy. I don’t want to live without you, without your arms wrapped around me, without your soft lips pressing against mine. You will always be the one for me, and I will for into eternity.


9. My love for you will last through time. Words are not enough to express all that I feel about you. If I had my way, I would keep you with me forever. Life is never the same when we are apart, but together we can accomplish anything. My love for you will live forever and will never change.


10. Nothing in the world could take your place, and no one else can compare to the love I have inside for you. You are my world, my heart, and my soul. I would give up anything in a second to see your smile and to feel your arms around me. You are truly made for me, and no one else compares.


11. Your love makes my heart beat faster than any other love. I never thought I would deserve someone so amazing. Thank you for always being there and for loving me so much. I couldn’t imagine my life without you, and I dream every day of our future together.


12. There is no one else I would rather spend the rest of my life with; I love you! Thanks for being my best friend. My lover. My soul mate. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world to have found you. You are the only thing that will ever mean anything to me.

13. I want to say thank you for being with me through all of these years. You are the best person I know, and I love you so much. No matter how far away you are, I will always love you. I’m happy you in my life, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.


14. You are my best friend, my love, and my wonderful wife. You make me feel so special every day. You fill my heart with more joy than I ever knew possible. I love you!


15. You are my favorite person to be with. You’re a gorgeous girl I’ve ever met – inside and out. I am so lucky to have you in my life. You’re my best friend, soul mate, and lover. I love you now and forever. Thank you for making me your man today!


16. Sweetheart, I love you. I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life. When I look at you, there is nothing more that I need to see. You are everything that a girl could ever ask for. I will take your hand; my heart is yours forever.


17. I never thought I could feel so alive and blissful. And now that I have met you, my love, I know that I would not have it any other way. You are a wonderful person who has made me feel like no one else can. It is a fantastic feeling to have found someone so special and unique in this world!


18. You are my everything, my world. I can’t imagine life without you by my side! You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I love every part of you.


19. I love you so much I can’t stand it. I want to hold you tight and never let you go. I want to see the light in your eyes that I fell in love with. If there is anything I can do for you, please ask. You have made my life complete, and I will always be by your side.


20. You are my whole world. I have loved you since the first time we met. You bring light to my life more than anyone could ask for. Your smile warms my heart, your touch sets me on fire, and your love keeps me alive. I love you so much that it hurts not to be with you, but it won’t ever be enough!


21. All I want is to be with you. You are the love of my life. Every time we are together, I fall more and more in love with you. In your eyes, my dear, I see my future, happiness, and a family…


22. I’ve loved you since the day we met. You make my heart melt every time you smile. I can’t ever get enough of you, even if I tried. There will never be anyone else who could love you as much as I do. I want to be with you forever and prove to you that I would never hurt you.


23. There were times that I thought our love would never work, but you proved me wrong. Thank you for showing me that I can trust someone again, and thank you for loving me unconditionally. Thank you for being my best friend that will always be by my side. I will love you forever!


24. I love you more than I thought possible, and I am so glad that we have been able to grow together. You are my soulmate and my best friend. There will never be another like you.


25. All my life, I played it cool, kept my cards close to my chest, hoping one day I’d get that lucky chance to fall in love. Then I met you, and I swear from the moment we met, everything changed. When we kiss, my body feels like it’s on fire, and I can’t get enough. You make me want to be a better man; you make me feel like anything is possible. You are all I ever dreamed of, and now you’re mine.


26. I don’t need a dozen red roses or a box of expensive chocolates to show you how much I love you. The only gift I need is you. You make my life complete, and I will always love you.

27. You have made me a much better person than I thought possible. The day I met you was the best day of my life because I knew you existed. I’ll be forever grateful that I found you and that we will spend our lives together. You’re a beautiful, unique, and particular person.


28. The bright colors of the sunsets, the vividness of green grass, the glistening clear blue sky, and the beautiful doves in flight. All these things are beautiful but not as beautiful as you. When I look at you, I feel so alive, so inspired, and so happy. Thanks for being my wife love!


Why I Love You Poem for Her


28. There are so many reasons why I love you that I could never say them all. But here are the main ones: You are generous beyond your years and don’t know about life you learn quickly. Your passion for life is inspiring, and your wit is witty in its own right! There aren’t enough words to tell you how much you mean to me, but I try my best every day to show you. With every smile, every hug, and every kiss.


29. You are the reason my heart beats. You are the air I breathe, and when I am with you, everything is peaceful. You make life worth living, and as long as you’re with me, I’m happy. I love you, my dear!


30. You’re the girl of my dreams. You’re the one I love with all my heart. When we are together, it feels like for the first time in forever. Your voice is like an angel singing in my ear, and every time you smile, I feel so blessed. I hope that we’re together forever.


31. There is no rhyme or reason for this. There is no right or wrong way to put it into words. I love you, and that’s all there is. I love you for your warm heart, your steady soul, and your perfect imperfections. You are the most wonderful girl I have ever met, and I know life with you will only get more wonderful with time.


32. I said it before, and I’ll repeat it, “I love you!” I couldn’t imagine being without you. You have given me so much happiness in my life. Your smile makes me smile, even when it is silly or holds a cheesy joke. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you, always by my side.


33. I love you because the eight of us fit together like a puzzle to create one fantastic person. I love you because you are both firm and soft, rough and smooth, solid and fragile. I love you because you are my butterfly that flits in and out of my life.


34. We met in a dream, and now you’re here. You are the love of my life; you are my heart and soul. You are an angel sent from above, and I love knowing that you are mine. You save me every day, every moment. Nobody could ever hold a candle to what we have, and our love is everlasting. I love you always.


35. My love, you take my breath away. With your smile, laugh, and passion for every day, nothing is impossible with you by my side. I count my blessings every day that we found each other.


36. I look forward to our future together and the family I know we will create. You are my heart and soul. I cherish every moment we spend together!


37. You are the most beautiful woman in the world, inside and out. I can’t get enough of you, and every day I love you more and more. NOBODY will ever love you as much as I do, and you make me so happy that I want to thank God for bestowing upon me your perfect company.

38. You are my sunshine! My moon! My stars! You mean everything to me. I am so lucky that you chose me. I love you so, so much. You came into my life like a shooting star and made it warmer and brighter. Thanks for being you.


39. You are my world, my heart, my soul, my everything. I love you with all my heart and every corner of my body. I wish I could kiss you until the moon turns to dust. You mean the world to me, and I am so lucky to have you.


40. I never knew that love could be so beautiful. When I look at you, I see my whole life lit up in front of me. You are the most fantastic person I have ever met, and I love you more than anything else in the world. Thank you for showing me what true love feels like!


Forever Love Poems for Her


41. I love you more than the stars in the sky and fish in the sea. I love the sound of your voice and your soft touch. I love you because you are mine, you are perfect, you complete me, and I would never want to let you go. I will cherish our love forever. You are my friend, my lover, and my soul mate. I wake up every day with a smile on my face because I get to spend it with you. Till the end of time, remember…


42. I love you because you have no idea how amazing you indeed are. You may not believe me, but what woman doesn’t need to hear that every once in a while.


43. I could sit here and list the hundreds of reasons why I love you. But it wouldn’t even come close to describing the way I feel about you. I love everything about you: your laugh, smile, voice, scent, hands, lips, and eyes. I love your hugs and cuddles. I can safely say we are made for each other. God brought us, strangers, together, and just like that, we found our place in each other’s hearts.


44. You are the reason I smile. You fill me with so much joy that it brings tears to my eyes. Every time I think about you, my face lights up, and I can’t help but think of a better future together. You are my favorite part of the day and the best thing that has ever happened to me. I love you more than anything, and I can’t wait to tell you every day. You are the only one for me.


45. When I tell you that I love you, I am not saying it out of habit, but I am reminding you that you are my life. When you are near me, I forget the outside world exists. Your love has given me the greatest joy a man could ask for. You are my soul mate and best friend, and I will love you forever with all my heart.


46. I’m not sure if I can tell you in a thousand or million words how much I love you. Just know that every day with you is a reason to celebrate and the thought of sharing another moment with you makes me want to dance out of my pants!


47. I love you for every second we share, for every time you laugh with me or smile, for every hug and kiss we share, for every tear you cry in my arms. I love you so much it’s hard to put into words because there are no words great enough to explain how I feel.


48. I love you because you don’t make me change. I need you just the way you are without changing a thing. I love that we can be together and not worry about what others think about us. You have confidence, inner strength, and a huge heart, all of which are very appealing to me, so let’s keep this relationship going strong and keep falling in love with each other.


49. You make my every day brighter, my smile wider, my heart beat faster. You have given me a reason to believe in love again and to see the world in a better light. Your smile is like a ray of sunshine on a gloomy day, and your eyes are the most beautiful stars in the night sky.

50. I love you from the bottom of my heart. I would give you anything if I could. I will always be by your side to comfort and honor you. You are my angel and the light that brightens my day.


51. You are my prince charming! You have always been there for me. I could feel your love even then, and it is so beautiful now. I am happiest when I’m with you. I love you with all of my heart; you know that right.


52. I love you more than I have ever found a way to say to you. I miss you when we’re apart, and I can’t wait for our next kiss. You make every moment memorable and are always on my mind. You are my one in a million, the only one who never lets me down. How did I find such an amazing man like you? My darling, I can’t wait to spend forever with you.


53. Can you count the reasons why I love you? If I had autumn leaves to give light to all my reasons; It would still all add up to the sum of a single plate for you.


54. I love you, and I love you, I love you, I love you so much! With you in my life, everything is easy and beautiful. You have such a way of making me smile even when things look bad. You are my best friend and the one who holds my heart. I can’t live without you..https://www.familyfriendpoems.com/poems/love/short/


55. There may be a million reasons why I love you, but here is what’s most important. I love you because you are strong and have gone through many hard times in your life. I love how loyal you are to family and friends. And most of all, even though you can sometimes come off as mean-spirited, I still think you are lovely at the core.


56. Saying that I love you is not enough, but saying it to you is the only way I know how. You are my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, my first thought of every morning, and my last review of every night. I dream about you and everything that we do together. I am so thankful for your love; it keeps me going during the bad days and the bad times.


57. I was meant to have you. I defy any logic or curse that would take you from my life. You are my person, the one that ensures my happiness. There is nothing I wouldn’t do for you, no price I wouldn’t pay to keep your love in my arms. We are made for each other, and no one or thing can stand in our way.


58. I will keep telling you that I love you, even it seems like a day too many. I love you now, and I will love you until the moon falls from the sky. Because no matter how hard things get or how little money I have, you will always be the one giving me the strength to carry on and never give up.


59. You are an essential thing in this world to me. I want you to know that I wouldn’t change one thing about you. You are perfect just the way you are, and I hope you believe it. The way your smile makes me grin ear to ear, the way your laugh rings in my ears like a tune of music, the way my hand fits perfectly within yours, and the way our bodies work together like two puzzle pieces is something I know was meant to be.


60. I will love you until the stars go out, and the tides no longer turn.

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