Happy Mothers Day To My Pastors Wife

Happy Mothers Day To My Pastors Wife: It was Happy Mother’s Day in the United States yesterday. Mother’s Day reminds me of my pastor’s wife because she is a great mother who loves God and is a wonderful example to me.

Happy Mothers Day To My Pastors Wife

• I could have never found a more perfect wife than you. I know that every day I am with you, you make me a better man. Love you and happy mother’s day.

• We have known each other for a year, and I love you so much. As students you welcomed me into your home and taught me about kindness and love. I love that we are both moms and you are always giving freely to me with grace. I am so grateful I got to know you. You are a great friend and mother!

• Being your husband leaves me speechless, being a father has left me almost as much! There is not enough space to describe how amazing you are. You are the most supportive wife and mother I know. I am so happy we met, and that our paths have crossed. You bring joy to my heart and life every day. I can’t imagine it without you here by my side

• Happy Mother’s Day my friend! I really enjoyed talking with you this morning, as always! You are a blessed mother & wife. The Lord has truly blessed you. I pray He continues to do so for many years to come.

• I love you like a sister. I know our friendship will continue to grow as we get older. Happy Mother’s Day!

• From the beginning of our friendship to now, I can honestly say that you are one of the most amazing women I know. I love everything about you. From our long talks, to your infectious smile and laughter, to your goofy sense of humor. You are a blessing and I am so grateful to have you in my life!

• Happy Mother’s Day! I know it’s been a while since we’ve seen each other, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think about you and pray for you. I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate you, because you are doing a great job. Keep up the good work!

• You are an amazing mom and wife, we are all so lucky to have you. Thank you for being such a good friend and teaching me so much.

• You are the best momma. You are so fun and I love being around you. You’re always smiling and I just want to be like you when I grow up (but hopefully not to fat). Angela and I love going over your house, we’re always hungry when we leave.

• It was so special to hear your words today. So inspirational and insightful. I love you so much and am so lucky to have a friend like you. Thank you for being in my life! Hope you had an amazing Mother’s Day!

• When I found out you were pregnant my heart was filled with so much joy that I couldn’t stop smiling. It was like the first time I saw you, only 1000 times better. It was one of the happiest days of my life being able to tell you that you were going to be a mommy. You are amazing and I am so glad God brought us together to share this journey together!

• It is such an honor to have the privilege to call you my pastor’s wife. You have become a very special part of our family and I just wanted you to know that I love having you as my pastor’s wife. God brought you into my life for a reason. You are an inspiration to me in so many ways and I hope that we will stay close friends throughout our lives.

• Happy mother’s day to Mrs. Johnson. I am so thankful for you! You have great wisdom and insight on the scriptures and always give a great message. I have been in the youth group for years, and learned so much because of you. Your kids are wonderful too! You are so welcoming, and I know God has blessed you with a loving heart, a fantastic husband and an amazing family.

• You are a wonderful role model and have been such a blessing to me and so many others. I appreciate all you have done as a mother and a wife. You have made our church a better place and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you!

• Thank you so much for the flowers this morning. They’re beautiful! You are an incredible mother and I think it’s so sweet how well you and David work together. Thanks for being a positive role model for my children, I’m sure they appreciate it as much as I do.

• I cant thank you enough for being such a dear person. Your baby shower gift was so sweet and thoughtful. You mean so much to me-out of all your husband’s wives, you’re my favorite! It’s always a pleasure visiting you and seeing your cute face. I love spending time with the kids; we always have such a blast when we get together!

• You are the definition of motherly love. I admire the way you love your children and husband so much. You are a true inspiration and I am so thankful for you!

• We love and appreciate you so much! Thank you for being such a Christ-like example to us all, not just this church, but the greater world. We are grateful for your dedication in both your home and church life. You are truly an inspiration to us all and we wish you many blessings from God.

• I can’t believe how quickly the months have gone. Things were so tough for awhile, but little by little God brought us out of it. There are tears in my heart that I know someday will be a smile on my face. The day you were born into my life was the turning point that changed my life forever. It was the start God had chosen to show me His ways and to have my eyes opened up to see his mercy and grace. He chose you to be my saving

• I love you like a sister. I admire your heart for serving God so faithfully. You are an example of Christ to us all. Your family and friends are blessed to have a mother like you who serves her Savior so faithfully.

• Thank you for all your love and support. I love you so much and enjoy being around you.

• Thank you for being my friend, and allowing me to ask you endless questions. Thank you for being my teacher and mentor, and leading me in worship. Thank you for being such a kind, giving, compassionate woman of God! God bless you and may His love shine through you more than ever! Love your little girl, Tina 🙂

• Happy mother’s day to the most devoted mother I know. You are such a blessing to everyone around you and you have brought so much joy into this world. Love you bunches!

• I just wanted to thank you for all that you have done for me. You are a wonderful mother, wife, and mentor to me. I am so lucky to have you in my life and pray that God sustains our friendship for a long time to come.

• Where do I start? I thank God for you each and every day. You are more than a mother to me, you are a best friend. You are strong, powerful, but most of all an amazing woman of God that really cares about everyone she meets. I’m so blessed to have you as a friend, a mentor and a spiritual mother. Love ya forever!

• I have thought a lot about you lately and I just wanted to tell you how lucky I feel to be able to know you. You have such a big heart and are always so giving and loving. Please don’t ever change; I will always be here for you to love on!

• I love to see you when you come to visit. We can talk for hours about faith, family and fashion. You were an amazing wife to your husband and an even better mother to your children. I admire you greatly, my dear friend!

• I just want to let you know how thankful I am for you and how much joy you bring to my life. We don’t get to see each other very often, but I think of you every day. You have a beautiful family and I can’t wait to see what God has in store for us all!

• You are such an amazing mother, wife, and all around women of God. I have so much respect for you! Words can’t express how much you mean to me. You are the kindest person I know and it shines through your children and work in the church. You are truly a great woman and an incredible leader on this church! Enjoy today with your kids!

• You are such a great mommy and wife. You’ve raised two of the happiest, healthiest kids in the world! I just wish they could be at my place more often. I love you very much and am so proud to be your friend!

• I can’t imagine my life without you. You are a true blessing to me and I love having you in my life!

• I am so glad to call you my friend and a mentor. Thank you for your friendship this past year and may God bless you.

• Words can’t express the way I feel about you. You’re an inspiration to me, and I love you! I am so glad that we are such great friends and that I have someone to talk to about anything. I just want you to know that you are literally my best friend.

• My best friend and my pastor’s wife, mom to my kids! Thanks for loving on me and my family!

• You are one of my favorite people and a unique friend. I love when we get together, but I love it more when I am a part of your family, especially your growing children. I still remember back to our early church engagements and the first time we met your husband. He was cute, so I knew you had to be amazing! Happy Mother’s Day!

• You have made such a wonderful mother to our church family. I know you held me up in prayer when my daughter was first born, and I am forever grateful for your love and support. You are such a blessing to us all.

• My husband and I couldn’t have asked for a better friend or example of a godly marriage to look up to than you. There are not many people from our church that we have maintained such a close friendship with after all the years, but you are one of them. It is wonderful that this personal relationship has not gotten in the way of our spiritual one. Your undying love and support meant the world to me in my pregnancy and still makes me feel confident as a new mom.

• We have known each other for a long time and I have never met a more selfless woman in my life. I admire the sacrifices you make for others, your motherly love and being an example of Christianity. I cherish your friendship and love you very much. You are an inspiration to me!

• It is with joy that I think of you. Though we are far apart, our hearts are near. My heart leaps with delight as I remember you. You have so blessed my life and I am thankful to God for you. He has richly blessed me through you – a friend, mentor, sister and mother, who selflessly gives so much of her time to me and so many others. I hope someday to reciprocate some of the love that you give. Love to the greatest mom in

• You are a great mother to your children and a great wife and friend to all! I hope you feel refreshed this Mother’s day.

• I can’t believe how fast this year has gone by. I feel like not so long ago it was just you and me in that classroom for that first time. Watching you grow into what you are now has been an amazing journey, and an honor to watch. Thank you to your entire family for letting me share in these special times with you. I’m eternally grateful for the Jordan’s and the Edwards, who have been such a blessing in my life.

• To my friend and mentor,I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your life with me. I could have left this church years ago and yet I choose to stay. In the end we part ways, but that parting is always with a greater friendship for the time spent together. Your children and grandchildren will love you forever! God knew what He was doing when he brought us together. You are the greatest women in my life!

• Thank you for being a great mother to my kids and for putting up with me for all these years! I really appreciate you, have a great day!

• I’m so glad to have you as my friend. We have been through a lot together, but our friendship has grown even closer. Your children are the most precious gifts and your love for them has always inspired me. Keep up the good work!

• So very thankful to have you in my life. Thanks for being such a strong woman of God and an example to the young women at church. I am so lucky to have you as a friend and mentor. Love you!!

• To my Pastor’s wife, thank you for all you do for our church. You are a beautiful person and are always there to lend a hand. I pray that God blesses you with many more years of joy and happiness. We love you!

• You are an amazing woman. I respect your dedication and love for the Lord. I am so glad that you are my pastor’s wife. I am blessed to call you my friend and enjoy knowing you!

• Thank you for giving my kids such a great mother figure. I know that they can always count on you. You have taught them so much in the short amount of time that you’ve been around them and for that I am so thankful. You are a true blessing and an incredible woman. Happy mother’s day!

• Happy Mother’s Day! I am sorry that I haven’t spent as much time with you as I should. Life lately has been so busy and our schedules haven’t matched up much. It makes me sad that we hardly get to catch up anymore but know that I think you are so amazing and inspirational. You are such a wonderful person that always lifts my spirits even in the worst of times. Just remember, your girls are blessed to have you as their mom and your

• You have done a great job raising these kids to be loving, gracious and caring. I’m sure you had your hand in my husband and I meeting. You have been like a mother to me all these years, thank you for loving me and being so kind. You are such an inspiration and I hope that someday I can be as kind and pure hearted as you!

• You’re a wonderful mother, wife and woman to everyone you meet. You are always showing others how much you care for them. You are funny, caring and thoughtful. You are a hard working women that does everything in your power to help someone else out. Anyone would be lucky to have a friend like you! Happy Mother’s day!

• This is the most special woman I know. She’s truly a blessing and I think God has blessed me by allowing me to be her best friend! She’s always making other people happy and it’s so special to see her with her kids. She is an amazing mother and is my best friend for life!

• There isn’t a day that goes buy that I don’t hear from you or think about You. I pray for your safety, health and well being daily. May God continue to bless you beyond measure as you provide for me, your family and church members through the gifts of your Spirit. Love you Sis.

• You are one of the most amazing people I know, even if we don’t see each other that often. You inspire me to follow your example and to be the person you are. It might not seem like it but our short meeting was one of the biggest blessings in my life and I can’t thank God enough that he put us together!

• My wife has been the greatest blessing in my life. She is smart, beautiful, hard-working and she loves me. She’s a great mom and makes the best cookies in the world. I am so lucky to have her by my side to help me raise our two awesome kids.

• Every Sunday the first thing I do after service is pay attention to you. You are my role model! I want to follow in your foot steps and be just like you. You always listen without making anyone feel small. I want to be like that when I grow up and be as nice of a person as you are. Your love and kindness make people feel so special and they really appreciate it.

• Thank you for being such a wonderful mentor to me and always being there when I need a listening ear. You gave me such great advice that I am using in my marriage and I can truly say my marriage is better because of you. Thank you so much for helping me be a better wife, friend, and person.

• Dear Miss Jenny, Happy mother’s day! I hope this beautiful and heartfelt card reminds you of God’s amazing love for you. I pray for you at all times and know that even though our marriage is long distance, he is always with me to guide me through. I love you so much! Remember that God loves you sooooo much! This card is from ME!

• Happy Mother’s Day to my best friend, mentor, lover and everything in between. I have been loved by no one more than you.

• Dear Syrra, THANK YOU for all you do. I am so appreciative of your support and prayers. You are an incredible mother and wife and I am honored to know you. You are a true inspiration. Happy Mother’s Day!!

• I’m so thankful for the motherly love and wisdom you have given me over the years. And to think, that my pastor would use your love as an example of God’s love when he speaks to us on Sunday morning! Thank You for being such a wonderful mentor, sister in Christ and friend through thick and thin. I Love You!

• It is a pleasure being part of your church and spending time with you on Sundays. I am so glad that you have been my friend over the past year. You are encouraging, positive, warm and full of life. The kids love you. Thanks for being a good mother, mentor, friend and example to my family. You are truly a blessing!

• Happy Mother’s Day!! I hope that God blesses you and treasures you more everyday. You always keep me motivated and encourage me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!

• I just want to say Happy Mother’s Day! I am so thankful that the Lord blessed us with you. You are an amazing mom and friend. We truly enjoy being around you! You also do a great job in the Sunday school class!

• Happy mothers day! You deserve all the pampering in the world –you are such a wonderful mother and woman. I am so grateful that God has you in his life –he must be one lucky man! Keep up the good work –you rock!

• Sarah, your love and service to our church is unconditional. You are such a joy to work with. You work so hard for the Kingdom, but you don’t allow it to take away from your love for your family. I am so thankful for how you are a servant leader. I hope that everything you do this year will be an expression of gratitude and love to God. I pray that you choose NEVER TO FEAR!

• There is nobody I respect more than you. You are kind, loving, honorable and wise. Your beauty on the inside radiates even more than your physical appearance. You are a truly special woman and I am blessed that we have a friendship like no other. I am so thankful to have you in my life. Thank you for always being there when I need you!

• To you my dear, I want to say thank you for the love and courage that you give me. You see I’m going through a hard time in my life, even though it is a good time. You encourage me and help me see the positive side of things. You are a blessing from God by giving me all you can muster. You gave up much for my sake, when you could have said no, or been selfish. Because of this, I will always be grateful and

• Dear Pastor’s wife,

• I just want to thank you for all your help and guidance. You are very kind and loveable! I wish you continued success and happiness in everything you touch. Happy mother’s day!

• I love you more each day. Your gentle and kind spirit brings me joy. You are such an inspiration to me, I hope that I can be half the person you are. You are the most wonderful mother and wife, a true blessing to all that know you. Happy Mother’s Day!

• I hope everyone is enjoying the day celebrating you! There are no words to describe how much I love and appreciate you. You always remember when it’s mothers day and father’s day, and even send christian love cards over the holidays. You are the most thoughtful friend I know.

• Sending you so much love on this special day, thinking about you and praying for you. I am so proud of the strong leader and mother you are, but also how devoted you are to God and His Word. You are such a blessing in our church and home. God continues to bless us with your friendship and love.

• I’m so glad that God brought you into my life. You are such a precious, wonderful woman with a great and kind heart. I am honored to be your friend!

• My heart is filled with love for you, my friend. There are so many things about you I admire. You are a great mother, wife and even singer! You have an amazing testimony and show your children what it means to have faith every day. A lot of people would be lucky to have a friend like you. You inspire me to be a better person in every way.

• Dear mom, you are an amazing woman that I am so blessed to call my sister. I love the way you make decisions based on Gods will. It makes me want to be more like you! Have a great day and always know how much I love you.

• Dear mom, I love the way you make decisions based on God’s will. It makes me want to be more like you! Have a great day and always know how much I love you.

• Dear mom, you’re an amazing woman. I really love the way you make decisions based on your faith in God. It makes me want to be more like you! Have a great day and always know how much I love you.

• Hey, how’s it going? I just wanted to let you know that you are an amazing woman, and I’m grateful to be your son. You are the only person in my entire life who can make decisions based on Gods will and make them look easy. I’d love to be more like you in that way. We all love you, and have a great day!

• Dear Mom, I love the way you stay committed to Gods will. It makes me want to stay true to His commandments too! Thanks for being such a good example of true love, and thanks for loving me unconditionally. I am blessed to have you as my sister, and also bless with the opportunity to live apart from you most of the time. Let’s always remember that even when we are far apart, we are together in heart and spirit. I pray that all of your decisions always be made in accordance with God’s will too. But most importantly, I pray for your safety and well-being.

• Dear mom, you are a great mother figure. I love it when you make decisions based on our faith in God. It makes me feel like I need to make better decisions in life. I admire the way you care for us and always know that I love you so much.

• Today, I want to take a moment to tell you how much I appreciate everything that you do for me and for the family. You make so many decisions in your day based on God’s will—and it inspires me to do the same! I hope you know how much I love and admire you.

• Dear Mom, When you prioritize God’s will over your own, you set an amazing example for our entire family. I’m blessed that we get to be in the same family.

• Dear mom, how are you today? I just wanted to say how much I value and appreciate everything that you do. You are a wonderful example of what it means to love others. Thanks for everything. (signature)

• Dear mom, I am so glad that we are able to talk about our decisions with each other and come to a reconciliation. It makes me happy to hear your wisdom. Love you!

• My dearest sister, you make me laugh and smile every day. You taught me that the most important things in life are love, hope, and making household chores fun. I’m very lucky to have a sister like you. I love you so much!

• Sis, I just wanted to tell you that you are an amazing woman with a lot of talent. I’m glad that we could be in the same family because I’m honored to call you a sister.

• I wanted to write a letter thanking you for the wonderful job that you do. There is always something that pops into my head and you always manage to channel it into a greater cause. You are my rock star of mothers!

• I love getting to spend time with you, you are truly one of my favorite people. It’s so refreshing to know someone who loves the Lord so much and makes me excited about church. You’re always there for me, and I can’t tell you how much that means to me. You’re a great friend!

• I hope God is blessing you today! Thank you so much for all of your hard work and time, you are a true inspiration to our church.

• Happy mother’s day! I am thinking of you and wishing you a wonderful day! Celebrate the love of your life, who raised such a wonderful family and is an example to me in my own life.

• Happy Mother’s Day to my lovely friend, the mother of my children. I love you so much… and admire your love, patience, tenderness and care. Thanks for all what you do for me and our kids. Have a wonderful day!

• I just wanted to give you a special note just to say, “I love you!” You have been such a blessing in my life and I can’t imagine my life without you! Happy Mother’s Day to the best mom in the world! I love you.

• Thank you for always being there for me, especially when I needed it the most. You’re such a blessing to me, and to everyone around you. I look at your life, and I see a woman that is so humble, honest and full of love. You have taught me so many things throughout these years and I am thankful that we met. Your children are also a joy to be around and they make me laugh constantly! May God bless you this Mother’s Day with

• Shauna, the mother of the church, has transformed my heart, my life and my soul. I am so blessed to call her an eternal friend and chosen family. You are a treasure in our Lord!

• Dear Jennifer, you are so much more than a mother to me. I love you with all my heart and want to thank you for standing by my side this whole year. Thank you for loving me and Michelle so much, but most of all for loving the Lord. You have taught me so much about being a better Christian woman and I know that God has big plans for your life. We all love you!

• My boys and I would like to wish you a Happy Mother’s Day! We hope this beautiful card and all of the many wonderful things it has written upon it brightens your day! Sincerely,-The Kehlers

• We’ve walked so many of this road together. Thanks for cheering me on, always being there for me when I needed advice, laughter and love. We’ve been through quite a bit over the years and I am so glad to have you by my side as we face whatever lies ahead. You are such a blessing in my life!

• You are the most beautiful and amazing woman. I am so lucky to know you and to be your friend. Through the years your big smile has brought me joy, camaraderie, and laughter. You deserve all of the happiness in the world.

• Thank you for all you do for our church and for our community. God has blessed us with your help in many ways, thanks to your generosity and guidance. We love you very much.

• I am so lucky to have met you, to be able to call you my friend. You are someone that I will always cherish and remember. I hope your day is as wonderful as you are. I love you!

• I know it’s been a little since I have seen you, but I just wanted to say Happy Mother’s Day! You are truly an amazing woman. I really admire your dedication, passion and love for all the children. I know the kids love hearing your voice and seeing your face. You definitely make a difference in these kids lives, and I am so proud to call you my pastor’s wife!

• I love you so much. You’re such a big part of our lives and I am beyond grateful for you! You have such a godly influence in my life and I am so thankful! Happy mother’s day to the best mommy ever!!

• You are a wonderful person, everyone at church loves you. I am so lucky to know you and your family. Thank you for the endless support and encouragement you have given me. I really enjoy having you around and hope to continue growing in our friendship. Happy mother’s day!

• Josie, I wish you the happiest mother’s day I could possibly send! Your smile is a warm ray of sunlight that brightens everyone around you. The world would be such a dark place without your love and light. You and your wonderful family have enriched my life in so many ways, and for this I am truly grateful.

• To my wife, wife to my husband, mom to my child. You are my everything and I love you.

• You have made my life so much brighter than it ever could have been without you. I am thankful that God brought you into my life. You are without a doubt the most amazing mother in the world and I am so honored to call you my friend and sister!

• There isn’t enough room on this card to express how much I appreciate you. Your love for us is so amazing and unconditional. The things you do for our family amazes me and I thank God every day for bringing such a blessing into our lives. I love you!

• I want you to know how much you mean to me. You’ve been such an inspiration to me in my life. I love the father-daughter relationship you and I have developed, even though we’re not blood related. Love you!

• I lean on you for guidance, help, and prayer. Thank you for being such a wonderful wife and mother. You have a heart of gold and I love you so much!

• I’m not sure where I would be without you. Not only are you funny, sweet, kind and loving…but a true friend. I love that we share the same interests and passions for God and for our loved ones. You have blessed me so much this past year by being such an amazing friend!

• You are one of the strongest people I have ever met, and I have so much admiration for you! You have always been there for me when I need you. You have a heart of gold, and it is my pleasure to call you my friend.

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