Happy New Born Baby Wishes Daddy

Happy New Born Baby Wishes Daddy: Fatherhood comes with a lot of responsibilities and joys. To be a great father, you must be patient and loving, able to offer guidance and support when the time is right. My father always gave me advice during those crucial, growing-up years. Take all the help you can get from your child’s mother when it comes to issues such as education, nurturing, discipline and nutrition. The most important thing every parent can do is love their child unconditionally from the day he or she is born until the day they leave for college.

Happy New Born Baby Wishes Daddy

• You make me so proud, you are the greatest little boy and I just know you will grow up to be an amazing man. I know in my heart that you will do great things in this world, bring happiness to many lives, and have a perfect life in every way. I love being your dad!

• I’m so proud of you, son. You’re the greatest kid in the world, and I know you’ll grow up to be an amazing man. I just know that you’ll do great things in this world, bring happiness to many lives, and live a happy, wonderful life. I love being your dad!

• You are my precious boy, you are lucky to have such a wonderful dad. You fill my heart with joy and happiness every day, you bring me endless love and joy every day! I know in my heart that you will conquer the world and make your family proud!

• I’m so proud to be your dad. You make this old man proud every single day. I know you’ll grow up to be an amazing man, do great things for the world, and achieve your wildest dreams! So proud of you!

• You’re such an adorable little boy and I love you so much. I can’t believe how big you are getting! Please don’t grow up too fast, because you’re my only little baby boy.

• You’re the best son in the world. You’re so smart, caring, and full of funny ideas. I can’t wait to see what you do as you grow up and learn more about the world. I’ll be excited to hear about all your adventures and proud to call myself your dad!

• You are a great kid. I love the time we spend together and everything you do is fun to watch.

• You are an amazing boy. I’m so glad that you were born.

• I’m so glad you were born. You make every day brighter and fill my world with happiness. I can’t wait to see who you become and all the wonderful things you will do with your life.

• I adore you. You make my life so much more fun and interesting. You have a brilliant, funny personality, and I’m so excited to see who you turn into as you grow. I love the little boy that you are now and the man-child that you will become!

• I’m convinced you’ll become a great man, with real strengths and flaws. I hope you’ll grow up to be strong, kind, and curious, to pursue your passions, and to feel love in your heart.

• Dad I love you so much and I know Mommy does too. You helped bring me into this world and from that day on I knew that we would always be together forever! I love to dance for you and sing for you, sometimes even break out some of the moves I have learned in Mommy’s dance class! You will always have the biggest place in my heart.

• May your life be filled with smiles and laughter, joy, hope, and love. I know your mom and I have given you the best start in life. We can’t wait to see you grow up and be everything in the world that you want to be. As your father, I promise that I always will be by your side to support you always, no matter what happens.

• My life changed for the better when you were born. I can’t believe it has already been three months. You have brought so much joy to our family and I can’t imagine what it would be like without you. You are amazing.

• We are so happy to welcome you into the world. We love you more than life itself. You are the most beautiful baby in the whole wide world and I can’t wait to see what wonderful things your life has in store for you. My favorite part of you is your adorable little toes!

• I hope you love your newest daughter as much as I do. She is the perfect addition to our family. I feel so lucky to have a wife and 3 children we can all share those fun moments together. Thank you for this precious gift!

Happy New Born Baby Wishes DaddyA new life has entered the world. Soon, you will meet others in your community and make friends with many more. From that moment on, a whole new series of adventures will begin. I could never be more proud of you than I am today, as your first real steps take you out into the world. You are mine and I am yours, through all eternity. You are my baby!

• I love you, you little guy… with your puckered mouth and droopy eyes, your innocent smile and curious little fingers! You have brought so much joy to us already and I pray that life will give you nothing but happiness.

• You’re a strong little man, I know you have a good head on your shoulders and I will keep you safe. I would die for you – that’s not something I would say to anyone. I love you so much, and I can’t wait to spend some quality time with you.

• It’s official. You are now a father! It’s the best feeling in the world! I love you and can not wait to see what dad duties you have in store for us.

• Dad, you are my hero! Thanks for being the best father ever. I love you and can’t wait to grow up and have a family of my own.
• I never knew I could love someone so much as I love my newborn baby boy. Nothing in this world feels so good and so right. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I do know that everything I have is because of you. I promise to protect you, to keep you safe, and to love and cherish you all your life.

• I cannot fully express the joy I feel when I look into your loving eyes. You are my little Angel, my Sweet pea girl, my peanut baby and so much more. I love you to the moon and back with all of my heart!

• I hope that you know that I only want the best for you, baby. You will always be Daddy’s little girl, and I love you more than the world. Stay as beautiful as you are today, and never leave my side. I hope to see you grow for many years to come, but I’ll be ready whenever you need me. I love you!

• Dear baby, you are the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. I never thought that I could love someone or something so much. You give me a reason to live every day. Without you, my life is not complete. You are my little angel on earth and my reason for living!

• We love you more than we could ever put into words. You’re such a blessing in our lives and we can’t stop thinking about you! Happy New Year Son! We love you! We’ll see you soon

• Hooray it’s a girl or boy you might say. Raising a child is a huge job and it’s even harder when there’s just one. Luckily you have me, your daddy, to help. I will teach my dear sweet baby new things as she or he grows up and make sure they know that I love them very much.

• I am so proud of you! You have brought joy and love into my life. I promise to protect you, guide you, and make sure you grow up in this world as happy as you make me. I love you very much! Daddy P.S. everyone tells me how cute you are, so cute that I want to cry!

• Wishing my beautiful daughter, Amanda, and her soon-to-be husband David a lifetime of love and happiness with their new baby girl. We are so excited to welcome this little princess into our family!

• Congratulations on the birth of your little one. I’m sure you will love their bubbly smile and warm cuddles; it’s now your turn to fill them with joy just like how you did for me. You are one of those special people that make a difference in life.

• As your father, I am so proud of you. As your lover, I am in awe of you. You are the flame that ignites my passions and the reason that love lives inside of me. You take away my loneliness, and chase away the shadows; You fill my life with happiness, joy, and love… And all those things make me love you more!

• I wish that you have a wonderful and terrific life ahead. Be good and finish your studies. Love you so much, I miss you! Daddy.

• Bridget has grown so fast, a year ago she was a baby and now look at her. You have grown into a beautiful baby girl and I just can’t stop staring at you. I love the way you touch my nose, the cute smile when you look at me, your laugh that fills the room with sunshine. I love you so much Daddy loves his baby girl!

• When you were born it was the happiest day of my life. I felt my heart burst open and knew instantly that would love you forever. You’re the most amazing baby in the world, and I feel so fortunate to be your daddy. I will do everything in my power to provide for you and protect you. You can count on me, baby girl!

• This is a special day! Your mother and I are so happy to welcome you into the world. You are the most amazing thing that has ever happened to us, you fill our lives with so much love. We will do everything we can to keep you happy, healthy, and safe. We love you very much.

• Hi baby! I’m Daddy, but you can call me Dad. I’ve known you since you were in Mommy’s tummy, and I can’t believe how big you’ve gotten! Soon, you’ll be learning how to walk and talk, and pretty soon the world will seem like a whole new place! You’ll learn how to talk. Feed yourself. Kick the soccer ball. But know that I will always be there to take care of you, love you, and protect you. You

• To our lovely daughter, just a few words to wish you good luck and success in your new life!

• I love you already, and I can’t wait to see what our future holds. You are going to be such a good dad! The best one ever! I hope you get lots of kisses and cuddles from your baby today, and so many more tomorrow. I love you!

• From being a single father to now a dad of two, I couldn’t be happier this Christmas. I love us as a family and there is nothing more important than us. Merry Christmas sweetheart, hope you enjoy your first Christmas as daddy’s second baby girl!

• You may not think it now, but one day you will realize that I am really proud of you. You may not see me cry, but I do because I love you so much.

• Congratulations on the birth of your new baby! I’m so excited for you, and can’t wait to see what this little one looks like. Be sure to take lots of pictures so I can sneak a peek. I love you both so much. Happy Valentines Day!

• I was flipping through channels, completely in the doldrums when I stumbled onto this program—I’m not even sure what it was, something called ‘Everybody Loves Raymond.

• I’m not used to being the one behind the camera, but I will do everything in my power to make sure I’m always there for you. I want to hold your hand and comfort you when you cry, I want to buy you your first truck, and finally, I want to show you how much fun it is to throw a ball around with dad.

• Just a simple Love you! Hope your day is going well as the baby is doing great. He is such a good boy.

• Words are hard to find in the face of such a miracle. I can’t really express the absolute joy and amazement that this new little girl brings to my life. She’s beautiful, perfect, and delicate. She is so full of life and yet so peaceful… My heart swells three ways every time I look at her…and two of them are thumping with love for you…

• I cannot describe how happy I am. There are no words. You bring me such joy that it makes me want to cry. Our daughter is healthy, beautiful and we couldn’t be happier. You are the best husband, father, and most amazing man I have ever known. I love you so much!

• Our precious little girl, we love you and we’ll always be here for your bright eyes and warm heart. I know all that I am is because of you, little girl. We all love you so much, honey.

• My little angel, you are my heart and soul. You are so much more than I ever imagined. I just can’t get enough of you, for you are truly the love of my life. No matter what happens in your life remember: Daddy loves you!

• Yes, I love you. No matter what you do, or where you go, I will always love you. And I know no matter how old you get, or how big of a boy you become, inside your heart will always remain that little boy who is my pride and joy.

• To our little princess, You are the brightest star in my life. I can’t wait to watch you grow up and become everything that you want to be. I love you!

• I’ve heard it said that only you can make the universe feel small. I smile every time I think about what you bring to my life. There’s magic in your glowing eyes, a light in your smile, a presence through your laughter and a wonderful sound when you whisper my name. I love you now and always!

• I always knew that you were going to be a sensational father. You can’t possibly know how proud I am of you. I know that you are going to raise one amazing little man. He is going to have so much fun growing up with such an awesome dad like you.

Happy New Born Baby Wishes Uncle

• It is hard to find the words to express how happy you have made me. Having a new life enter the world is an incredible and wondrous experience, and it happens every day. I guess the best way to say it is that I am so excited for you guys! Welcome to this wild ride called life. The world has never been better or more ready for you. Love, (Name) and Grandma

• Hello my dear friend. I want to say congratulations and best wishes to you because you are going to be a daddy! Your wife is speedy to be a mother, and we all love her very much as though she was our daughter. We congratulate both of you and wish you all the best in your family’s life.

• You have never been anything but the most positive, interesting, and fun person I know. As you begin your new journey into fatherhood, I hope you will always remember that happiness is a choice. When you make the decision to enjoy life and those who you love, no amount of ‘crap’ can drag you down! I am so excited for you and Little Teddy to start this next chapter of your lives together. Like all parents, I’m sure Dad and Mom with everything

• John, I just want to take a moment to wish you and your family all the best. All the happiness in the world and many happy returns of this day. I also would like to say that I hope every last one of you feels very loved and is surrounded by as much love as possible! With love, Uncle Paul

• Congratulations to the proud parents. I’m so happy to hear of the birth of your baby. This is a wonderful new beginning in life, and this child was brought here with great love and tenderness. You will both inspire each other to be the best that you can be, and as long as you provide unconditional love, you will be providing all the tools he or she needs to fully develop into the best that they can be. Congratulations again!

• Dear Neil, I hope you and your family are doing great. I am happy to see little Christopher is growing to be such a good young man. He has so much potential, just like his mother and father. I hope he doesn’t inherit their stubborn attitude of not keeping in touch. Hope you all stay blessed, -Uncle Dave

• Congratulations on becoming a parent. The little bundle you have brought into the world will be so precious and so loved! I am so proud of you and can’t wait to meet this new little baby. I hope that you know that you are free to call me if you have any questions or concerns along the way. Love ya!

• I love you so much, little buddy! You are the best thing that has ever happened to this family. Everyone is just in love with you, your mommy and daddy are great parents… I just can’t imagine how much you’re going to grow up to be.

• Congrats on the new baby! May the world be blessed with the cutest, most amazing, and beautiful baby boy. I can’t wait to spoil him rotten!

• Every day I look forward to the day that you grow up and see how brilliant you are. You will do so well in life – you will be a preacher just like your mother’s father, or a senator just like your father. Either way, you will help shape our country forever and ever. I can’t wait to see what your life brings, but no matter what happens I want to you know that……I love you.

• Sending my very best wishes for a healthy and happy newborn baby. Many blessings from me and the entire family. We are so excited to meet our newest little angel.

• Our family is blessed to welcome a newborn baby into the Kingdom. I wish you happiness, health, and prosperity. I hope you live a community-oriented life. I am wishing you much love and good things in your future.

• As your new uncle I want to welcome you into this world. I hope that you will bring nothing but joy and happiness to your family and all of us who love you. You can’t even imagine how excited we are to meet you. I feel honored to be a part of your life and I promise to always be there for you.

• Congratulations on the new baby. May he or she be as beautiful as your mother. Love, Uncle

• I can’t believe a new baby has been in our family. What amazes me is that I’m not surprised because you are such a great mother. You deserve to have another little bundle of joy in your life. Congratulations! I can’t wait to see him or her. Love you, Uncle

• Congratulations on the birth of your baby girl! What a miracle. Having children is the most wonderful thing in life, and I know you are going to enjoy every moment of it from now on. I wish you love, joy, and happiness. Mazel Tov!

• You made it! The day has arrived and you have been brought into this world. I hope that you never know grief. May you always know love and happiness. You are here and that is truly a blessing.

• As I look at you I see the greatest miracle of my life and I know that everything happens for a reason. You were sent to us to give us strength and courage and thank God it did! We will always be here for you. Just open your big eyes and see how much love is out there for you to take. I love you!

Instagram Happy New Born Baby Daddy

• Happy New Year, Baby Daddy! It’s been an amazing year with you. We can’t wait to see what 2018 will bring us!

• To my baby daddy, I will love you forever and ever! I can’t even believe you are mine. You are heaven-sent and came in a cute little package. Daddy, I think of you every day and spend all my time thinking about how to make you feel special. You are my world.

• It’s the big day! It’s the day your baby is born, and you are officially a dad. We wish you the best with parenthood

• Happy day-before-the-birthday to little #BabyXavier!

• Welcome to the world, baby girl. Mommy and Daddy love you so much. 🐣💕

• A new little baby just arrived to our world, and it’s an exciting time for Mom and Dad. ☺

• Welcome to the world precious girl! We’re so happy to have you.

• Congratulations to the proud parents of a baby boy born last week 😍.We can’t wait to see how much you grow!

• Congrats to the new dad-on-the-block! Here’s to welcoming your little one and saying farewell to sleep nights.

• Cheering you on as you take the next step with your little bundle of joy. Congrats! 🥰

• Congrats to Dad on the new bundle of joy!

• Congratulations Mr. & Mrs.! We’re excited to meet the newest addition to your beautiful family 😊

• It’s a special kind of bond to watch your lil one grow up right before your eyes—and it’s even more rewarding when you’ve been there every step of the way. Congrats, dad!##

• We’re all about celebrating this dad-to-be who will be the best soon-to-be daddy. Congrats, babydad!

• Announcing a new arrival in the family: Elmo Williams is now the proud daddy of a brand new baby girl!

• Hooray for new babies and hooray for Daddy’s who are ready to roll with this new adventure 👶🏼

• Happy 5th day of life to this beautiful baby girl, who’s already got two sets of loving parents who adore her.

• Congratulations to Brandon and Rachel on the birth of their baby boy, Lincoln 🎊

• Our little girl has a boyfriend. 🍼😜

• Congratulations to Jason and Christina on the arrival of Emma!

• Meet the newest member of our family: Huckleberry 💕

• How sweet are these little hands?

• What really matters is what lasts. What really lasts is love. Love you, family!

• Wishing you double the blessings 🥰

• We’re so happy for you, @emilywelch 🎉 #babyrumble

• A post shared by Sushi Tuyo (@sushitu_yo) on Jun 11, 2016 at 5:38pm PDT

• No matter how much you think your dog is the best dog in the world, there’s going to be some other owner out there who thinks her dog is better.

• So excited for you and the baby that’s on its way! Here’s to many 💣 🍼 🥂 #‎babydaddy

• Cheers to a new baby boy! Wishing you health, happiness and all the best.

• cheers to a healthy, strong and happy baby boy 👶🏻👶🏼👶🏽👶🏾👶🏿

• I’m so excited to let you know that our bundle of joy has finally arrived into the world. We’re so grateful to our loved ones who helped us in this journey and we couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you so much for being supportive. We are elated, exhausted, and can’t wait to see what the future holds for our baby girl.

• Wanted to share with you – our beautiful baby boy Nixon. We were blessed with a happy and healthy baby after a rough fifteen weeks of pregnancy

• Can’t believe our cutie pie is one month old today. Love you loads, little one! ❤️

• Congrats to the happy new parents! Your bundle of joy will grow up fast—so capture every moment because it goes by so fast! 💕

• Congrats you made a baby

• Welcome to the world our sweet abigail 😀😘

• Just now realizing how freakin’ cute babies are. Yay for little humans! 😍👶🏻

• Throwback to the days when I was your man, before there was a She 😙💙

• Super thrilled to announce the arrival of our baby girl 😍😢✨Congratulations, @levi_harrell and @gcshelby!

• Congratulations to our very own @markoo and his wife @lilleelee! What a cuteness overload that is 🤰👶🏼 We love you guys.

• Here’s to our first 6 months and to many more!

• Not a must, but it would be nice to see the baby face along with other content.

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