High School Graduation Messages for Grandson

High School Graduation Messages for Grandson: Graduation Season is a special time for the whole family. Students, families, and grandparents alike, will be celebrating all season long. We have collected some of the most amazing high school graduation messages for grandson in our article – So you can write exactly what you want. Whether you plan on mailing it on a card or posting it online, these messages should give you some ideas.


High School Graduation Messages for Grandson

• You’ve made it! I know it took a lot of hard work and dedication to get here, but I’m proud of you. You’ve earned the right to be called a high school graduate! I love you and couldn’t ask for a better grandson.

• We’ve had some great times your whole life but these past few years have been beyond amazing. You’re an amazing young man about to head off into the world with a bright future in front of you. I wish you all the best in college and all that comes after. You’re going to do great things and I’ll be around to see it all! Love Grandma

• It is hard to believe that you are graduating high school today, I know what a challenge it was to get here and I am so proud of you. You are always so kind and positive, there is not a bad bone in your body. Congratulations on your accomplishment!

• I am inspired by you and so proud of your accomplishments. I know you’ll have a great time at college, and I hope that you’ll take advantage of all the opportunities out there for you. Even after high school is over, I will always be cheering you on from the stands!

• I couldn’t be more proud of you and I love you more than words could ever express. You are my best friend, my confidant, and someone who I can always count on. Happy graduation!

• Today is the last day of your high school career. What a long journey you’ve had! From Kindergarten to today I can see how much you have grown and how much you have learned. You have also made many friends along the way, some you will keep, others will fade away. What advice can I give you? Make sure that as you grow up you surrounded yourself with positive people and don’t listen to anyone that tells you that your dreams cannot come true, for it is one

• Congrats! We are proud of you no matter what. You are a great kid and will succeed at anything you put your mind to. Good luck with college ahead!

• You are the most devoted friend I have ever had. You have taken care of me, listened to me, and helped me through the tough times. I love you very much and am so happy we were friends!

• Here’s to you! Let’s go out and celebrate. You’ve earned this, Jack! I’m so proud of you and can’t wait until our next adventure.

• I know that you don’t want to hear my advice, but listen, I want the best for you and if becoming rich is what will make you happy then so be it. Just remember to live your life with the same morals and principles that you had before, people tend to lose their values when they succumb to greed.

• You did it! You are now a high school graduate! It’s been a great honor and privilege to watch you grow. You’ve gone from a young boy to a fine young man. I am so proud to call you my grandson. Now that you’re free to do as you please, choose wisely. Make the right choices and happiness will follow. Wishing you good luck and much success in your future endeavors. Til’ we meet again, I remain, your loving grandfather.

• Thinking of you as you leave high school is bittersweet. We are so proud of the man you have become and cannot wait to see what the future holds for you. It has been an honor to watch you grow up. Continue following your dreams and know that we are behind you 100%.

• As you graduate from this school, I hope that you wear a smile on your face. Having finished high school is an accomplishment, one that not many people can say they have done. But more importantly, I am just so proud of you and all of the hard work and effort you put into graduating. I am filled with joy to see what a bright future you will have because of your dedication.

• My dear grandson, we are so proud of the person you have become. I never imagined how much my life would change when you were born. You were quickly the center of attention for the whole family. You are such a special young man, and you bring so much joy to all who meet you. We could not be prouder, but most importantly, we couldn’t love you more (I’m tearing up as I write this).

• You’ve grown into such a huge, successful man. I can’t believe you’re graduating today. You make me so proud. And, I’m also so glad that you decided to skip college and join the Navy right out of high school. You have always had such a deep love for helping others and protecting our country and family. I know you will excel in your chosen career path and make me even more proud than I already am at this moment.

• Congratulations on graduating this year! I’m glad to see that you’ve made it to this day. It’s going to be a great summer and I know you’re going to love living away from home. Enjoy every minute of it and yes, pay your cellphone bill because I’m sure we’ll need you here pretty soon.

• On your graduation I am pleased. Congratulations on a wonderful achievement! But most of all congratulations on a job well done, good luck in the future _ ____

• My sweet Daniel. You’re on your way now, Daniel, to new adventures and most important of all to a better life. I’m so proud of you. You have worked so hard and this is your day. You’ve earned this Daniel. I love you Daniel and until we meet again, may God be with you.

• Congratulations – This is a BIG day for you and the start of your new adventure. Best wishes for a bright future and success as you move forward in life.Warmest Wishes, Grandma Alice

• Roses are red, and Violets are blue. I’m so glad for you and the joy you’ll always do. Congratulations! I love you, Granny.

• Every day spent with you is better than the day before. I am nothing without you here to help me through the good and the bad times. Without you, my life would be complete darkness and I am so lucky that you are by my side. I love you with all of my heart.

• I can’t believe my baby boy is graduating from high school! You have grown up so much, and I am so very proud of you. You will do great things in your future. I love you loads and wish you the best!

• I love you, my dear grandson! I am so happy that you have deserved a good education. May God bless you with a success in choosing the direction of your life! Be confident and diligent and be successful in everything that you do!

• Congratulations on graduating from High School! I am so proud of you and know that you are going to do great things. Thank you for being such a wonderful young adult, son, and brother.

• Graduation will be here before we know it! Don’t forget how much you are loved and how proud I am. You have captured my heart and made me the happiest grandmother in the world! Make us proud by going after your dreams and never giving up.

• Hey man, I hope this letter finds you well. I hope you had a great graduation ceremony and received your diploma with pride. Congratulation on finishing high school man! It’s crazy to think you are now leaving the hallowed halls of your beloved school for the real world. This is an accomplishment no high school student should take for granted.

• I am so proud of you! You’ve made it through high school, now you have a new adventure ahead of you. Good luck in college and I hope to hear about your successes as time goes on. I love you!

• You are such a great kid! I wish I had more time with you. You are fast becoming an adult, and it sucks that we are going to be in different places next year. We’ve been through a lot over these past years, and no matter what happens from here on out, know that you will always have a home at our house. Always remember how much I love you, and how proud of you I am.

• Hi sweetie. I’m so proud of you. you are the smartest and most talented guy I know. I’m honored to be your grandma and see you grow into a wonderful man. love, grandma

• Dear fellow graduates, today we take a step into the future. Remember where you came from and what got you here. Never forget where you’ve been so that you’ll know where you’re going. My only wish for all of you is happiness. Enjoy your day, knowing that it’s the start of something new. Congratulations on this momentous event!

• Happy senior year! You’re so close to the end of high school. I hope you make the most of this last year, while still enjoying all your friends. Congrats on making it this far. Keep at it!

• HAPPY GRADUATION! I hope you start college with a smile on your face. I am so glad that we had the chance to spend the summer together, but now it’s time for you to spread your wings and fly!

• Thank you for all the amazing times that I will never forget, and for your unfathomable support on all of my decisions. You are truly irreplaceable, don’t ever forget that!

• Dear Grandson, I could not have asked for a better grandson than you. You are responsible and sweet. You are a child with the heart of an adult. I have enjoyed watching you grow into the person that you have become. It is amazing to see all that you have accomplished in such little time. We could not be more proud of you, so enjoy your graduation day!

• You have been the greatest blessing in my life, and watching you grow into the kindest, most intelligent, and capable young man has been a true pleasure. As you graduate high school, know that I will be cheering you on (and crying) as you forge your own path in this world.

• You’ve been a god-send for me these past four years. We always hung out and had fun, always being there for each other. I’m very close to you, I care about you as a person and love you as a dear friend. It means the world to me that you’re doing well in high school and graduating early. At this high point in your life, I just want you to know that you can become anything you want to be. Don’t ever give up on your dreams

• I am proud of you! You have always been a great kid and I am so proud of the person you’ve become. Hard work really does pay off, and you are a perfect example. Never forget to enjoy life, because it goes by so fast. Love you much, grandma

• I am so proud of you, son! You have grown up into such a wonderful young man. I just can’t believe that in exactly one year you will be graduating high school. You’ve come such a long way, son, and I am so proud to have been a part of all your many accomplishments.

• I know you’ve been waiting for this moment for years. You’ve worked so hard, and now it is about to pay off. You are about to leave a world of innocence and move into a big world of independence. Live every day like you mean it, but most importantly, be who you are and don’t try to fit into what other people want you to be. I know you’ll do great things in life and that we’ll see each other again soon. Sincerely, Love Mom

• My grandson, you are walking in the footprints of giants. Go forth without fear and know that there is no task too great for your courage and resolve. I am so proud of my grandson!

• You are a great nephew, so close to my heart. I’m so proud of you and couldn’t be more excited to see your name up on the big screen up in lights. I know you’ll do well out there in the real world even though it might feel like you’re leaving your home behind. Congratulations on a job well done!

• I will miss you terribly, but know you have the best of friends in me. You are my grandson and I am proud of you telling everyone so. I like to call myself your papa, because that is exactly what I am.

• Son, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. I’m so proud of you and I know this day has been a long time coming. Never forget who loves you!

• There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about you. You are my pride and joy! I will always be here for you through the good and the bad. You are my brightest star! Keep shining!

• I see you are ready to take on the world. It was so nice to be a part of your life and make all those good memories. The best for you!

• Dear Austin, Now that you have graduated from high school you are officially a man in his own right. You are indeed growing up to be a fine young man. I know that you have worked hard to earn this diploma and I am proud of your accomplishment. Enjoy the freedom that comes with graduating high school.

• My Bay Boy, you are the best son a dad could have. I am so proud that you graduated and that you achieved academically. You will do wonders in life because you are smart, charming and easy-going. I wish you good luck because you deserve everything in this world. Be happy and don’t forget who loves you.

• To my Graduating Class of 2018..you are all special in your own way, each of you brought an individual uniqueness to this campus. You may not realize it but I will miss seeing the faces and the names of all of you on my hallways and in my classes. Good luck with everything you guys do. Be proud of your hard work and strive for greatness. We are all behind you

• Congratulations on your graduation, we are very proud of you. My heart is completely and utterly filled with joy to watch you walk across the stage and get your diploma today. There will never be a day where I won’t be so proud of you!

• I know you will do well in whatever career path you choose. You are smart, creative, and driven to succeed. I am so proud of you and everything you have done. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.

• You are a precious gift and I am so proud of you. I have never been more sure of anything in my entire life than the fact that you are meant to great things. May all your dreams come true and may you find happiness in every aspect of your life! I love you!!

• Baby boy, you were the first grandchild and you are my first grand-nephew. You have grown up so much already it doesn’t seem possible that its been over 3 years since I held you the first time. Like all parents your grandparents have high hopes for your future. Never give up on what you believe in no matter who tells you its for the wrong reason there is always a better

• Today, is a very special day. You have accomplished so much and I am so PROUD of you! I hope that in years to come, you will always look back with fond memories of this day. No matter how far life takes you, remember that you can always come home to me. As your mom _ and your friend always __________

• They’ll congratulate you on being the first in the family to graduate from high school… and hopefully not mention how old you look. They’ll say “You look great!” because they mean you don’t look 46 years old. They’ll listen carefully as you speak your mind or even mouth the words; “I love you, Pop Pop,” at a distance, because they still think of you as a kid.

• You have done so much in your high school years. You gave it your all and that is what made you successful. I am really proud of you! I am so glad I had the privilege to be your teacher this year. You are a great student, friend, athlete and son.

• I can’t believe how fast the past four years went by. I am so proud of you for being such a hard worker and all you have accomplished in high school. I wish you all the best in college. We will miss you here at home but you will always be with us. We love you more than words could ever express!

• I love your personality. I love the way you make me smile. I love that you have so much potential to be anything in the world and to do anything you put your mind to. I’m so proud of you for graduating high school and for being on your way to college! I know you are going to do great things and I can’t wait to be there with you every step of the way.

• Wishing my grandson a memorable and successful graduation. You have looked to me for guidance since you were little, but soon it will be your turn to look out for others. The lessons I have taught you along the way will prepare you for many decisions. Enjoy your future, you little monkey!

• These last 4 years have gone by so fast! I am going to miss you more than words can say. You are the greatest grandson in the history of time. I am so proud of you for graduating and thank you for being such a good person.

• I am so proud of you and all that you have accomplished! Remember to keep your grades up and apply yourself. You are a wonderful young man who has a bright future ahead of him now that you have graduated high school so enjoy it YAYYYYYY!!!!

• Hey, you are about to graduate from high school! It’s really amazing how the time goes by so quickly. You are learning so much and entering the real world. I am very proud of you and all that you have accomplished these past 4 years. I can’t believe how fast it has gone by, but I guess all things change over time. Congratulations on your graduation!

• Happy graduation! You’ve come a long way these past four years! Both you and Dad were always at my soccer games so I’m glad you had time to do your own thing too. The next four years are going to be amazing, lots of fun, and even more studying hard. I love you so much and I can’t wait to see what they bring. Love, Your Aunt Karen.

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